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Oct 13, 2017  Standard Special - Coin-Slot Machine Gun: Layton pulls out the same gun of the same name he created in Unwound Future. He charges it then and fires a barrage of coins. The length of time it takes to fire the coins depends on your charge time. Layton can move left and right while firing his gun, but he cannot turn around while doing so.

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Professor Layton Slot Machine Gun
  • The Moments of Awesome just keep coming one after another. How about watching him speed off in the Laytonmobile and driving it off the edge of a hill in order to successfully land on the Big Bad's Humongous Mecha?
    • He also gets one in his conversation with Celeste just before this takes place. He urges her to get out of the area because it's dangerous, and when she asks what he's going to do, his response is very perfectly Papa Wolf. He doesn't say 'I have to stop (the villain),' or 'I'm going to save the city.' He says, 'I'm going after Flora,' whom the Big Bad has abducted. And when Celeste replies that he's crazy and he could be killed, he doesn't even dignify that with a response.
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  • Don't forget the scene earlier in the game when he spontaneously builds a machine gun — out of a slot machine! Did we mention he's under fire when he does this?
  • Luke tries for one when Future Luke drags Flora out of the restaurant; he valiantly leaps to stop the incident but is unsuccessful. The effort was still a little CMOA though.
  • Luke and Flora share one toward the end of the game. After Layton frees her from the holding cell where she was placed after her abduction, he tells the pair of them to go and wait for him by the car in relative safety. They both refuse to leave him, insisting that they won't let him go charging into danger alone.
  • A certain villain gets one here, as well. When confronting 'Future Layton', the Professor and company quickly find themselves trapped...then the Professor takes off his hat, and out rolls the black horn hair. Hello, Don Paolo! Bonus points for doing such a convincing impression of the Professor that it fools Luke and Flora.
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  • Clive has one through all of the game. By Crazy Awesome he's managed to build a giant, murderous mecha underneath an unseen but mentioned Elaborate Underground Base (presumably filled with more than enough kidnapped scientists) underneath an entire fake-future London (with hundreds of kidnapped citizens) that's built under the real London. Remember: throughout all of the game, there's one thing you never see: the cave walls around 'future' London.
  • Layton and Future Luke building a machine gun out of slot machine parts.
  • Layton driving up the side of the giant mecha.
  • Layton flying off the mecha in his Laytonmobile, dropping off everyone, and going back to pick up Claire and Clive.
  • Chelmey gets one line at the end that clearly shows that he's got plans for Bill Hawks:
    Bill Hawks:(referring to Clive) Hmph. Criminals like him make me think the whole world has gone mad. Despicable, just despicable.
    Chelmey: Yes, people can become so blinded by their own motivations that they lose sight of the damage they do. But criminals aren't the only blind ones.
    Bill Hawks: Just what are you implying, Inspector?
    Chelmey: Nothing at all. Just stating the facts, sir. Now if you'll excuse me, I've still got work to do.
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  • A talking rabbit with a serious attitude problem. With a cockney accent to boot. This is somewhat bad, depending on how you see him.

Professor Layton Slot Machine Gun Show


Professor Layton Slot Machine Gun Shop
