• The COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform should consider supporting a trial and evaluation of school-based education programs would help to gauge program effectiveness and protect against the potential for unintended consequences.
  • The COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform, in consultation with the COAG Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs should develop nationally consistent consumer protection standards for tighter controls on the practice of credit betting with a view to developing a national regulatory approach;.

Gambling working groups on COAG agenda. (COAG) Select Council on Gambling Reform met in Melbourne on Friday, and agreed to investigate a number of changes to gambling laws.

Coag Select Council On Gambling Reforms

(Redirected from COAG)
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attending a COAG meeting in 2016

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is the 'peak intergovernmental forum in Australia'.[1] Comprising the federal government, the governments of the six states and two mainland territories and the Australian Local Government Association, it manages governmental relations within Australia's federal system.

  • 3COAG and state finances


Attendees at the 1916 Premiers' Conference in Adelaide

COAG grew out of the Premiers' Conferences, which had been held for many decades. These were limited to the premiers of the six states and the Prime Minister. A related organisation is the Loan Council, which coordinates borrowing by the federal and state and territorial governments of Australia.

Coag Select Council On Gambling Reformatory

COAG was established in May 1992 after agreement by the then Prime Minister (Paul Keating), premiers and chief ministers, and it first met in December 1992. It is chaired by the Prime Minister. It meets to debate and co-ordinate government activities between the federal and state or territorial governments and between the state and territorial governments themselves as well as issues affecting local government.

COAG differs from the US's National Governors Association or Canada's Council of the Federation, because these bodies only include state/provincial representatives, whereas COAG also includes federal and local representatives.

Current membership[edit]

NameOffice heldIn office sinceParty
Prime Minister of Australia24 August 2018Liberal
Premier of New South Wales23 January 2017Liberal
Premier of Victoria4 December 2014Labor
Premier of Queensland14 February 2015Labor
Premier of Western Australia17 March 2017Labor
Premier of South Australia19 March 2018Liberal
Premier of Tasmania31 March 2014Liberal
Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory11 December 2014Labor
Chief Minister of the Northern Territory31 August 2016Labor
Mayor David O'LoughlinPresident of the Australian Local Government Association[2]November 2016Labor

COAG and state finances[edit]

Australia is believed to be the first federation to have introduced a formal system of horizontal fiscal equalisation (HFE) which was introduced in 1933 to compensate States which have a lower capacity to raise revenue. Many federations use fiscal equalisation to reduce the inequalities in the fiscal capacities of sub-national governments arising from the differences in their geography, demography, natural endowments and economies. However the level of equalisation sought varies. In Australia, the objective is full equalisation.

Full equalisation means that, after HFE, each of the six states, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory would have the capacity to provide services and the associated infrastructure at the same standard, if each state or territory made the same effort to raise revenue from its own sources and operated at the same level of efficiency.

Currently the funds distributed to achieve HFE are the revenues raised from the Goods and Services Tax (GST), currently about AUD50bn a year. The distribution of GST required to achieve HFE is decided by the Federal Treasurer each year, on the basis of advice provided by the Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC).

Achieving HFE does not mean that the states and territories are directed how to raise revenue or how to spend their funds. GST revenue grants from the Commonwealth are unencumbered and available for any purpose. Accordingly, HFE equalises fiscal capacity, not fiscal policies which remain for the states and territories to decide for themselves. It does not result in the same level of services or taxes in all states and territories, direct that the states and territories must achieve any specified level of service in any area, nor impose actual budget outcomes in accordance with the Commission's calculations.[3]

At its meeting on 13 December 2013, COAG agreed to streamline the COAG council system and refocus on COAG's priorities over the next 12 to 18 months.

List of COAG councils[edit]

There are now eight COAG councils:

  • Federal Financial Relations Council;
  • Disability Reform Council;
  • Transport and Infrastructure Council;
  • Energy Council;
  • Industry and Skills Council;
  • Law, Crime and Community Safety Council;
  • Education Council; and
  • Health Council

There is no longer a distinction between standing and select councils, as all councils are time-limited.[4]



In 2012 a group of 20 environmental organisations released a joint communiqué denouncing the establishment of the COAG Business Advisory Forum and wanted wider representation on the Forum. The groups also opposed the weakening of environmental regulations.[5]

See also[edit]

  • Joint Ministerial Committee (UK), Similar body in the United Kingdom
  • First Ministers' conference, Similar body in Canada
  • National Governors Association, Similar body in the United States of America
  • Federal Council of Australasia, pre-1901 equivalent
  • MCEETYA, Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs


  1. ^https://www.coag.gov.au/about-coag
  2. ^Australian Local Government Association (2010). 'President: Australian Local Government Association'. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  3. ^Commonwealth Grants Commission
  4. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 20 May 2015. Retrieved 16 June 2015.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. ^'Australian Groups Protest Business 'Attack' on Environmental Laws'. Canberra, Australia: Environment News Service. 5 June 2012. Archived from the original on 9 June 2012. Retrieved 11 June 2012.

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External links[edit]

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Council_of_Australian_Governments&oldid=926408569'